St Peter's Church, Maney

Tel: 0121 355 6952
Email the Office

Sunday Club

Sundays for Children




We have children of all ages as part of St Peter's family. All children are welcomed at St Peter's. Have a look at our photo gallery.

Sunday Club is held every Sunday during the 10.30 service, except on the first Sunday of each month which is a Family Communion Service. It is for children aged 4-11. We have fun with stories, drama, games, songs and craft activities. So, we hope you will be able to join us.

The children's corner is available for younger children. This gives space for toddlers to move around. A member of our children's ministry team is usually based there during the Sunday morning service. We provide books, some toys and a simple craft activity.

The Family Communion Service is usually held on the first Sunday in the month. This is a family friendly service which is quite interactive.

Youth Worker - Our Youth Worker is Christina Brown. Her email address is

Please see our leaflet for children and families.

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